5 Ways to Spruce Up Your Backyard

A deck made of pressure-treated lumber at night with lights on it.

Transforming your backyard into a functional and attractive outdoor space doesn't have to be a daunting task. With pressure-treated lumber, you can create durable additions that will stand the test of time and weather. Here are five exciting projects to spruce up your backyard using this versatile material. 

1. Outdoor Furniture

Creating custom outdoor furniture from pressure-treated lumber allows you to tailor pieces to your specific needs and style. From benches to picnic tables, the possibilities are endless. Handmade outdoor furniture adds a personal touch to your backyard, making it a more inviting space for family and friends. Download FREE outdoor furniture project plans.


A corner bench made out of pressure treated lumber with garden boxes built in.

2. Construct a Raised Garden Bed

For gardening enthusiasts, raised garden beds made from pressure-treated lumber are an excellent way to grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers. These beds provide better soil drainage, reduce weed growth, and make gardening more accessible. Get started with this raised bed project plan!


A raised garden bed filled with white flowers.

3. Install a Privacy Fence

A privacy fence built from pressure-treated lumber can create a serene and secure environment in your backyard and deck. It can block out noise, wind, and prying eyes, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space in peace.


A pressure treated dog eared wood fence panel.

4. Create a Pergola

A pergola can add a touch of elegance and charm to your backyard, providing a shaded area for relaxation or dining. By using pressure-treated lumber, it ensures that your pergola will withstand the elements.


A pergola made out of pressure-treated lumber

5. Build a Deck or Patio

A deck is the perfect addition to any backyard, offering a space for relaxation, entertaining, and enjoying the outdoors. Pressure-treated lumber is a budget-friendly, sustainable choice for this project due to its resistance to rot and insect damage, ensuring your deck will last for years. Additionally, customize your deck by applying tinted wood stain! Visit our Decking page!


A pressure treated deck overlooking a backyard.

Improve your backyard with ProWood!

Using pressure-treated lumber for these backyard projects ensures durability and longevity, allowing you to enjoy your enhanced outdoor space for many years. Whether you’re building a deck, a garden bed, a fence, a pergola, or custom furniture, pressure-treated wood is a reliable and budget-friendly choice.

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